Etiquette and Customs
India is a land of diversities. This is true in everything
including etiquette and customs. A traveler can find many
cultures, lifestyles and etiquettes throughout India. Indian
cities are more influenced by western culture whereas villages
remain untouched. Though Indians are very hospitable and friendly,
volunteers are advised to follow these guidelines to avoid
misunderstanding and embarrassment.
Dress Code:
For Men - There are no strict guidelines for the way men should be
dressed. But clothes those show above knees are considered
indecent. Shorts are acceptable only when exercising and should be
avoided in public places.
For Women - Indians, especially villagers, have rather strict
dress code for women. Women must always keep their upper arms,
chest, back and legs covered. Clothes that show your upper arms
and legs must be avoided. Needless to say about bikinis,
halter-tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, shorts mini-skirts and
anything over the top. Forget all that stuff. Dressing 'sexy' in
India will either offended or attract wrong kind of attention and
create problems.
Cargo pants, jeans, skirts that fall under the knee or lower,
short or long sleeve shirts and blouses that are at least slightly
loose and don't show your chest are all OK.
Behavior in temples and other holy places.
Etiquette at holy places is basically a combination of general
good manners, cultural sensitivity, and respect for others.
However, here are the things that you should particularly notice.
- It is very important to dress appropriately. Legs and upper arms
must be covered. A long sleeved shirt is preferable to a T-shirt.
- Always remove your shoes/footwear before you enter a temple,
mosque or any place of worship.
- Do not touch any holy object with your left hand.
- In temples and holy places, you will typically have to sit in
cross-legged on the floor. Pointing one's feet towards the altar,
teacher or elders is regarded as disrespectful. So avoid extending
your legs. If you need to stretch your legs, be sure to point your
feet away from sacred objects.
- Follow the instructions written on notice boards. In mosques and
some other places of worship you may need to cover your head with
a scarf.
Behavior in Public Places:
The widely accepted form of salutation in India is Namaste. "The
two palms are gently pressed together and held near the heart as
the fingers joined together, finger tips pointing to the top, with
the head gently bowed and one says, Namaste ". Just this small
gesture would make you appear very well mannered and conservative
for every Indian. This is one sure way of winning Indians' hearts.
We would better advise you to stick this particular mode of
greeting anywhere in India, even though shaking hands is accepted
in cities.
- Shaking hands as a mode of salutation / greeting is natural and
very common in western culture. But in Indian villages, shaking
hands between opposite sexes is not appropriate. However, it is OK
in cities. Winking is treated as indecent.
- Public display of affection, e.g. kissing or hugging in public,
is disapproved.
- Always use your right hand to give or take anything. Giving or
taking with your left hand would be treated as a sign of
disrespect. Don't touch the food items with your left hand. Left
hand is considered to be unclean.
- Head is considered to be the sacred part of the body. Don't
touch someone else's head, not even to pat the head of a child.
- Shoes and feet are considered to be symbols of uncleanness. Your
shoes or feet touching another person would be treated as an act
of insulting. Do not let your feet touch any person. Apologize if
your shoes or feet touch another person. You would notice Indians
making a simple gesture of apology if they accidentally touch
someone with their feet.
- Standing tall with your hands on your hips is perceived as
aggressive. Particularly women must avoid that.
- Pointing with your finger is considered rude. Whistling in
public is treated as an indecent gesture.
- Staring at you? Take it easy. - Staring at strangers is
considered indecent in western culture, but does not have that
importance in India. People here do not hesitate to stare at
anything or any one new or different. As a foreigner, you would
obviously be the centre of attraction. Many people in Indian
villages and small towns are quite unfamiliar with foreigners. So
everything about you creates an intense interest among them.
- Don't get irritated if people at trains or public gatherings ask
you many questions. Questions that would sound rather personal
from western perspective are so common from Indian point of view.
These may include enquiries like How much you earn? How old are
you? How much this cost? Are you married? etc., This is the way a
common Indian tries to get interaction with a stranger. There will
be nothing except curiosity behind these questions. Answering
these questions with a smile would make you appear friendly and
you surely would be going to win their hearts. An average Indian
would certainly treat a foreigner as his guest and comes forward
to do any help they can. A friendly gesture and a gentle smile
always have a very good effect.
Of all, there cannot be a well-laid list of Do's and Don'ts. Here
you should remember that the world and life viewed from your own
cultural point of view is only one of the several manifestations
of the same thing. You are going to witness the world from another
angle, which is very ancient, beautiful, mysterious and, of
course, a little confusing. Surely you are going to learn
invaluable things that are impossible to learn in any other way.
Try to notice the positive aspects of the people and culture you
travel through. At the end everything from this prehistoric
culture will leave you with a feeling of fulfillment and unmatched
satisfaction. These experiences could be the most treasured ones
throughout your life.
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