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Child Care
Teaching English
Caring for Orphans
Environmental Awareness
First Aid & Health Care
Community Development
Home Stay /Cultural Exchange
Women Empowerment Project
Street Children Education Project

Child Care:

Pre-School childcare or baby sitting is a very new concept in Indian sub-continent, mostly family member (women)  provided ample childcare support. With the development of Indian economy a lot more opportunities are there for women and hence women are going out to work.

There is an eminent need of childcare centres throughout India. Childcare volunteers work with childcare centres commonly known as Aanganbari.

In line with the expected activities of such institutions, the volunteer activities include but not limited to :
  1. Ensuring maximum possible attendance of children to these centres through awareness building in the community.
  2. Individual interest and care for the development of the children.
  3. Assisting staff for record maintenance of each child for there health, vaccination, growth and dietary condition.
  4. Preparing and feeding a specially prepared nutritious meal for children along with centre's staff.
  5. Constant examination of pregnant women and newborn babies in the area for regular health check ups and vaccination.
  6. Creating and maintaining a colourful and enjoyable environment for the children with games, stories and other creative activities.
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Jaipur, also popularly known as the Pink City, is the capital of Rajasthan, India and is one of the world’s most beautiful cities. However, outside the city there are many small towns and villages in need of volunteer assistance. This project is ideally suited to sports enthusiasts (especially cricket and soccer /football), who would like to enhance sporting skills in underprivileged children’s.

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Teaching English:

Imparting Education for noble cause

As many of our associated schools are constantly understaffed and require personnel, we place volunteers in schools – Community, Public or Slum, wherein they can work by themselves or alongside existing teachers/volunteers. Typical subjects taught include- English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Art and Physical Education.

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Caring for Orphans:

India is a land of diversity. You can see for yourself the sprawling divide between the rich and the needy. While there are organizations in plenty to care for the unwanted children, it is also true that there is a limit on their resources and often, volunteers like you are a surprise welcome in bringing some cheer to the otherwise monotonous life of the children. Children at the orphanages are extremely happy with the time shared with them. While food and clothing are to a large extent taken care of, they are genuinely touched by the attention bestowed upon them.

Volunteering India with the support of domestic and international volunteers has been constantly and creatively trying to help the host organizations deal with their challenges. The help has been in the form of improving existing facilities in infrastructure, assisting the staff, teaching the children, helping with the general running and administration of the orphanage. Volunteers have also helped in the areas of refurbishing existing buildings, improving facilities, teaching Basic English, drawing, drama, conducting games etc.

We are looking for volunteers (above 18) who can talk, teach, dance or play with the children, in essence be a part of their life during their stay here and become their role model. You can be a valuable resource to demonstrate the universal language of love, compassion and make a difference to the children’s' lives! If you have first-hand experience working with children with disabilities, professionally or personally your expertise can be useful in this effort of Volunteering India. You can also provide direct services to deaf or mentally challenged children.

Take your step today!

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Environmental Awareness:

This program encourages living in harmony with nature. The rural population is involved in tree planting and sampling, bee-keeping, organic farming, compost bins, communal toilet construction, practicing good health and hygiene and reducing plastic waste. Volunteers who have a passion and who can lead, can get involved in future projects like energy efficiency, waste management, nutrition and agricultural improvements. Volunteers can contribute immensely in increasing the awareness levels of locals by imparting the best practices of eco friendly living like recycling, and environment preservation, if need be through interpreters. It is an enriching experience for the volunteers too, who as part of a team are challenged to bring about a change in the mindset of the locals following age old practices.

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First Aid & Health Care:

Though India has excellent health care facilities, it is not within the financial reach of a large section of urban and rural population. There is a need to create awareness about preventive health care which by itself can go a long way in improving their quality of life.

If you are a nurse/ student nurse, doctor/student doctor, or social worker/ student social worker, you can volunteer with us and help improve someone’s life. Volunteer health care workers do not provide direct patient care. They assist local health workers by educating underprivileged communities about sanitation, hygiene and nutrition. Health volunteers can work in hospitals, small clinics, old age homes, orphanages, and shelters.

Come join us.

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Community Development:

Volunteering India has been actively involved in various community development programs mainly in Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh and expanding to other parts of India. These programs aim at meaningful volunteering projects for the general public, university and college groups, medical schools and businesses in association with local grass roots organizations, and local communities.

Volunteers who have a sense of adventure and eagerness will find this program a great learning experience. It is also being considered as an alternate vacation concept. Working closely with the host community, you get to understand the local culture. There will be aspects of the local culture that amaze and puzzle your sense of logic or sometime even challenge your sense of justice. However, remember you are the visitor and here for a short time. No lone volunteer can change age old and heartfelt traditional practices or culture. You must ponder again and determine if you are flexible enough to respect the local culture.

You are encouraged to share your energy and time to contribute positively. Let the host community imbibe the good values of your part of the world.

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Home Stay /Cultural Exchange:

Home Stay/Cultural Exchange programs are arranged in most parts of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, and Himachal Pradesh. The duration of Home stay / cultural exchange would be for two weeks or one month. During this period you as a volunteer get to stay with a rural Indian family and experience life through their eyes. You get to understand the local traditions, lifestyle and language. You also celebrate the seasonal festivals along with the family and relish authentic local cuisine.

In a typical placement volunteers stay in a family where they get Indian/local cuisine twice a day (around 9 O' clock in the morning and 7 O' clock in the evening). Tea is served in the morning and in the afternoon. Volunteers will have the opportunity to get together with other volunteers and share their experience. You will be able to travel to nearby towns for shopping and could travel to other areas on longer vacation. Besides project work, volunteers can utilize their spare time in organizing the youth and women's groups of the community to do some worthwhile activities like building a smokeless stove, building a toilet by using local materials, making a soak pit, kitchen gardening, making a solar dryer, garbage management or paper recycling.

Also make friendships which may last a lifetime.

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Women Empowerment Project:

Traditionally, India has a patriarchal system. While barriers are broken and many women are marching ahead in all walks of life, there are a lot more who are deprived of their basic human rights. They come last in the structure of the family. They need support socially and legally to lead a life of dignity. Volunteering India has joined hands with local partners who work for women’s causes and offers placements to volunteers.

Your Inputs as a volunteer:

As a volunteer you will get plenty of opportunities to help empower women. You can work in areas like adult education, drug de-addiction, health awareness and vocational training. You would share your knowledge, experience and exposure with the women around you to enhance their self confidence, skills and understanding of the world. Women’s rights organizations too can benefit from your knowledge and education to better their mechanisms of delivery and establish an equitable society.

Project Skills required:

As a volunteer is this soft field you need to be very motivated and compassionate. If you have functional knowledge about human rights, women empowerment and gender issues, it will be of great advantage to the organization and the women that you are going to be involved with.

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Street Children Education Project:

While walking through Indian cities it is not uncommon to view communities living in makeshift tents, building their lives with only the very basic amenities. Families of these communities have no knowledge on matters that are simply common facts in many other areas of the world; such as birth control. The average family in this condition would house between 4-6 children. These children have come to be known as ‘Street Children’.

Access to education is a distant cry for such children who work from dawn to dusk in filth, collecting garbage, and other pieces of value to make a living for their family. These children live well below poverty line, lack the basic knowledge of hygiene and are also vulnerable to crimes like child sex and drugs.

The schemes teachings are conducted in an assuring, friendly environment aimed to build self esteem and gear children towards the knowing of a more positive lifestyle. The project aims to motivate children to join a government school which leads to basic education and with guidance, further education.

International volunteers are a primary key of success throughout the full cycle of this project; attracting ‘Street Children’ into the scheme right through to overseeing admittance to further education.

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Child Care
Teaching English
Caring for Orphans
Environmental Awareness
First Aid & Health Care
Community Development
Home Stay /Cultural Exchange
Women Empowerment Project
Street Children Project
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